英语 » 英语 Course Descriptions

英语 Course Descriptions

英语 Department Chairperson: Mrs. Kassandra Zamanis


英语语言 & 文学我
先决条件:无- This course is required of all freshmen not enrolled in Honors 英语 I.

(9) 学生学习语法规则,并使用这些技巧来写简短的说明性段落和文章. Students also study vocabulary and spelling. 文学单元将侧重于培养对作者作品的鉴赏能力,并将帮助学生学习文学术语,这将使他能够谈论和写作文学.
(Meets CSU/UC “b” requirement; NCAA Approved)
Honors 英语语言 & 文学我
先决条件: 在HSPT的语言和阅读部分取得75百分位或以上的成绩,或者在HSPT的综合成绩达到150分或以上,在HSPT的语言和阅读部分的最低得分为70分,并且在分班考试的段落回答部分取得及格成绩.

(9) This course is designed for students who show a high level of proficiency in 英语. 学生将花更少的时间在语法复习上,而花更多的时间在阅读和学习文学上,其中包括戏剧的额外单元, poetry and the novel. Special emphasis will be placed on the development of narrative, descriptive and 说明的 writing skills.
(Meets CSU/UC “b” requirement; NCAA Approved)
英语语言 & 文献2
先决条件: 没有一个 – This course is required for all sophomores not enrolled in Honors 英语 II.

(10) Students will study grammar and composition, focusing on descriptive, 说明的, and analytical essays. 本课程还包括文学部分,它将向学生介绍各种文学流派(如文学).e. poetry, the short story and the novel).

(Meets CSU/UC “b” requirement; NCAA Approved)
Honors 英语语言 & 文献2
先决条件: “A” or “B” in Honors 英语 I or approval from Department Chair.

(10) Students will continue to develop their narrative, descriptive and 说明的 writing skills. A minimum of time will be spent on grammatical review. This study will include written analysis of the literature studied. This course will explore the evolution of the Western Literary Tradition through the study of essays, 小说, 戏剧, 诗, and short stories within that tradition. 除了, 为了比较和对比不同的文学传统,我们将研究一些来自非西方文学传统的作品.

(Meets CSU/UC “b” requirement; NCAA Approved)
American Literature
先决条件: 无-所有未参加两年制AP或两年制IB课程序列的大三学生都需要本课程.

(11) Students will review grammatical principles and will write longer, more analytical essays and papers. Vocabulary and test taking skills will also be studied. This course provides the student with an overview of the American literary tradition. Periods of American Literature are surveyed in several genres. The course is designed for junior level students, who will be simultaneously enrolled in United States 历史.

(Meets CSU/UC “b” requirement; NCAA Approved)
Advanced Placement 英语语言 & 作文
先决条件: “A” or “B” in Honors 英语 II or approval from Department Chair.

(11) According to the College Board, 本课程旨在帮助学生在大学课程中“有效而自信地写作”.为此目的, 本课程的目标是促进学生成为不同类型的非虚构散文的熟练读者和熟练作家的发展. 除了, 学生将通过研究有限数量的文学作品(小说)来探索美国文学传统的演变, 戏剧, 诗, and short stories). 如果学生在大学理事会管理的大学先修课程英语考试中表现良好,他的课程作业可能会获得大学学分. 请注意,这是两门课程中的第一门(11年级AP语言和12年级AP文学)。.

(Meets CSU/UC “b” requirement; NCAA Approved)
作文 and Rhetoric
先决条件: 无-所有未参加两年制AP或两年制IB课程序列的高年级学生都需要本课程.

(12) The purpose of this course is to prepare students for a successful transition to college level writing. 为此目的, 本课程将向学生介绍非小说类作家用于解决各种主题的广泛修辞策略. 阅读的文章将使学生培养批判性阅读技能,同时作为学生写作努力的典范. After exposure to a particular rhetorical strategy, 学生将参与一些写作活动,这些活动要求他们将这些策略融入到自己的写作中. Apart from their composition and rhetoric studies, students will examine a wide range of works in World Literature as they read one novella, 一个玩, a handful of 诗, and a few short stories each semester.

(Meets CSU/UC “b” requirement; NCAA Approved)
Advanced Placement 英语 Literature & 作文
先决条件: AP英语语言——这是两门课程中的第二门(11年级AP语言和12年级AP文学).

(12) 本课程的学生将仔细研究过去五个世纪以来创作的富有想象力的文学作品. 这种密切的检查将要求学生仔细阅读和分析深思熟虑,因为他们探索各种文学体裁(戏剧), 小说, 和诗歌). As part of this process, 学生将反思一个给定的作者如何利用各种文学元素来构建意义,因为他或她探索了人类经验的一个元素. 最后, as part of this process of interpretation, students will hone their writing skills through a series of analytical, 好辩的, and 说明的 essays concerning the literature under review.

(Meets CSU/UC “b” requirement; NCAA Approved)
IB Language and Literature (HL)
Year 1 先决条件: 英语II“B”或以上或荣誉英语II“C”或以上或由IB协调员批准(优先考虑IB文凭候选人)
Year 2 先决条件: “C” or better in IB 英语 HL I

(11-12) 语言A:语言文学课程旨在培养学生分析文本的能力和理解文本的能力, both literary and non-literary, can relate to culturally determined reading practices. The course also encourages students to question the meaning generated by language and texts. 对文本中使用形式元素来创造意义的方式的理解与对文化定义的阅读实践以及生产和接受环境如何影响意义的探索相结合. 从其他文化翻译文学的研究对IB DP学生尤其重要,因为它有助于全球视野. Texts are chosen from a variety of sources, genres and media.
注:我们为讲普通话的学生提供了一个便利的中国文学自学选项. 修读中文及英文课程一的学生,无须修读中文及英文课程二的语言习得课程.
(Meets CSU/UC “b” requirement; NCAA Approved)
Learning Across the Disciplines
先决条件: This course is required for all students with a combined Verbal + Reading score of 50 or below
(9) This class will focus on not only improving reading and writing, but also on developing skills in various contexts (organizational, 教室, 沟通, 时间管理, 和学习).
Creative Writing (semester option available)
先决条件: Cumulative GPA of 3.0或更高
(10-12) Students will explore the art of writing 戏剧, 诗, short stories, and television scripts. Students will be strongly encouraged to submit work for publication.

(Meets CSU/UC “g” requirement; NCAA Approved)
The Hero's Journey in Literature: From Antiquity to the Present (semester option available)
先决条件: 没有一个

(10-12) 学生将探讨英雄之旅在神话中的作用,以及当代奇幻和科幻作品(包括电影)中的英雄之旅如何借鉴和偏离神话中的英雄之旅. Students will also explore the relationship between fantasy and science 小说. 最后, 学生将阅读一些不同的文本,以了解不同社会中主人公旅程的本质和意义.

(Meets CSU/UC “g” requirement; NCAA Approved)
先决条件: Approval of Laconian advisor (Sem / Year option)

(10-12) This is a course in practical journalism. 本课程学生的主要作业是制作达米安高中的报纸, 拉哥尼亚人的. The newspaper advisor must approve all students electing to take this course.

(Meets CSU/UC “g” requirement)

Advanced 在线博彩平台
先决条件: Approval of Laconian advisor

(11-12) 这个班的学生将担任校报的版面编辑, 拉哥尼亚人的, 并将积极参与为三校社区每月制作的《澳门博彩在线》的各个方面. They shall be knowledgeable in various techniques of writing style. They shall be able to effectively use photography, graphics and charts, to apply computer skills in operating desk-top publishing and in scanning both photos and text.
(Meets CSU/UC “g” requirement)
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